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Careers & Kids

Wealth Management for Individuals & Families.
Navigating and Celebrating Life’s Big Moments.

Life is dynamic…and busy. Wouldn’t it be great to have a team of partners to help you get organized, make a plan, and hold you accountable to it?

Ready to get started?

Let’s talk

You're in the right place.

Managing your cash

We’ll help you build a plan that balances saving for future financial goals with managing your current cash needs. By comparing your income and expenses, we create smart budget strategies that align with your goals and analyze your balance sheet to maximize assets and minimize liabilities.

Preparing for the unexpected

Life’s unpredictability demands a strong financial plan to help you meet challenges and reach your goals. We provide detailed risk analysis for insurance recommendations, assist with obtaining coverage, and routinely update your coverage as your life evolves.

Planning for your kids' education

College is costly, but we’ll help you figure out the expenses, a contribution strategy, and craft a plan to get you there. We will explore various savings options, perform cash flow analyses, and develop a funding plan that optimizes tax benefits for your family. While we can’t secure college admissions, our team provides guidance with financial aid applications and the admission process.

Saving for retirement

We help you save for the future while ensuring you enjoy life today. Our services include retirement forecasting, benchmark reporting, and regular adjustments to stay on track, plus tax-minimizing solutions. When ready, we guide you through timing, cash flow, healthcare, social security benefits, and required minimum distributions.

Establishing an estate plan

Your Strategic Team integrates your estate plan with your great life vision, serving as your financial quarterback. We coordinate all aspects of your estate plan, from trusts and legal documents to specific goals like charitable giving and special needs care.

Our Approach.

  • Strategic Financial Services Brand Icon
    The Process

    Our Proven Process that takes us from strangers to life-time partners.

  • Strategic Financial Services Brand Icon
    The Plan

    How we get you on track and make sure you stay there.

  • Strategic Financial Services Brand Icon
    The Portal

    How you manage, monitor and take action on your plan and achieve your great life vision.

Why Strategic?

Your Best Interests. Always.

As an independent registered investment advisor firm, we have a fiduciary obligation to act in your best interests. And as a fee-only firm, we only make money on the assets we manage for you. So, when you make money, we make money. It’s that simple. We don’t sell any commissioned products or receive kick-backs.

Our Pricing Philosophy