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Investment Management

Evidence-Based Investment Management.
It’s science not speculation.
Meet Doug, CIO

The world of investments is full of noise and needless complexity. At Strategic Financial Services, we’re here to help you find peace of mind within the chaos. Welcome to evidence-based investing, where science trumps speculation, and data fuels your investing success. We have accumulated a body of evidence that has become our Guiding Principles. These principles are used to construct portfolios with a straightforward approach designed to give you confidence and clarity.

In short, our goal is to use evidence to tip the portfolio performance scales in your favor.

Our Guiding Principles


Markets reward patient investors. Research shows short-term market timing degrades long-term performance. We stay focused on the long-term benefits of a consistent investment approach.


Enjoy finance’s one free lunch. A well-diversified portfolio can provide you with the level of risk you seek with a higher level of expected return.


Certain segments of the market have a proven track record of outperformance like high quality, good value, small size, and momentum. We place them at the core of your portfolios.


Our opportunistic rebalancing seeks to maximize the benefits of market moves in a well-diversified portfolio. We are always looking for opportunities to systematically buy low and sell high.

Our goal is to use evidence to tip the portfolio performance scales in your favor

Doug Walters, Chief Investment Officer


Taxes are inevitable for successful investors, but they can be reduced. We use systematic tax-loss harvesting combined with strategic asset account location to improve after-tax investment returns.


Hidden investment expenses are a drag on performance. Research shows that higher fees are correlated with lower returns. We build portfolios with a goal of maximizing after-expense returns.


Investors are often their own worst enemy due to ingrained biases. Decisions based on fear and euphoria are proven to damage long-term returns. We know where the pitfalls lie and can help you avoid them.

The Right Questions.

Investing is emotional. Large market swings drive fear, excitement, joy and sadness all of which lead to common behavioral mistakes. Questions indicating an investor is headed down the wrong track include:

  • Is it time to exit the market? (market timing is a proven losing strategy)
  • What stocks do you think will double? (this is gambling, not investing)
  • Should I invest in the latest fad? (fads, like cryptocurrencies, are not investments)
  • Are we due for a recession? (the unknowable future should not impact your decisions)
  • Should I be investing in alternatives? (high fees eat away at long-term performance)

Evidence-based investors know that when you follow the facts, the only important questions are:

  • Is my financial plan on track?
  • Is my asset allocation aligned with my risk profile?
  • Are the Guiding Principles being followed?

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