Hooked on a Feeling

By nature, as human beings with emotions, we exhibit a tendency known in economics as loss aversion bias. The pain we associate with a loss is often more significant than the happiness equated with a gain of equal magnitude. If you’ve ever gambled, you know the feeling. it’s nice to win, but even the smallest loss can make you question placing a wager in the first place. Similarly, even knowing that odds are against us, we sometimes like to bet on long-shots vs. favorites, seeking a significant upside (happiness) to offset even losing a small amount of money (pain).
Thankfully, prudent investing is not like gambling. When you make a bet and lose, that money is lost. Your only hope now is to double down, take more risks, and hope you are smart enough to walk away if you break even.
With investing, actual losses are only realized when assets are sold, and lower prices are “locked in.” More commonly, paper losses recover as markets rebound, and long-term trends drive returns. Over time the odds are in your favor as an investor, and as you likely know, they are not as a gambler.
That distinction aside, our loss aversion bias has kicked in pretty aggressively as of late, with markets and portfolios down on the year. Emotions have come to the forefront, and long-term views are thrown away. Our bias is further compounded by the constant noise of ever-present news feeds, opinions, and hot takes. But when we take a step back, we can see that the current price levels are causing us all this angst were ones that we were enthusiastic about just over a year ago.
Source: Yahoo Finance

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